Selasa, 15 April 2014

3 Essential Lessons From The Bhagavad-Gita

There are many different religious, spiritual and philosophical belief systems in the world today. Some are very rigid and sectarian while others are designed to reflect the human condition and help people to achieve happiness and personal freedom without the adherence to specific doctrine. The Bhagavad-Gita falls into the latter category and has be read and studied by scholars and people of many faiths, languages, and belief systems.
The reason that the Bhagavad-Gita resonates with such a broad audience and range of different people is because it focuses not on specific details but on the universal truths and the challenges that all people face in their life. It is about understanding how to deal with dilemmas that exist in both small and large decisions that we are faced with in our lives on an ongoing basis. By exploring yourself at a deeper level through the thoughts and questions posed in the Bhagavad-Gita a better understanding of our duty and our role in the world become clear, giving us the freedom to make the decision that are correct, wise and true to ourselves.
Our Path in Life
One of the most comforting and inspiring lessons from the Bhagavad-Gita for most people is that there are different paths in life that you can choose that are all divine. In fact, you are divine as an individual and the path that you walk through life is determined by your nature.
Obtaining Truth Comes by Many Paths
Unlike some religious texts, the Bhagavad-Gita does not adhere to the belief that belonging to a particular religion is key to obtaining truth and becoming enlightened. Instead it focuses on staying on the right path to honoring God or Divinity or Universal Energy in all your actions to achieve truth. The specific path is less important than doing right and acting without attachment to earthy rewards.
Acting Out of Love
Acting out of love means letting go to what you see in the world around you and understanding that fear, confinement or restrictions are self-imposed, not a part of the love that the universe provides for you if you are focused on the divine. By acting out of love you will not make a mistake, you are following a path that has been uniquely developed for you and one you are intended to follow.
The Bhagavad-Gita offers so many insights and lessons. As you read through the chapters you will learn about yourself as well as how important each person is in their own way.